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Plan for Weather

heated white tent setup on snow covered ground.

Plan for Weather

Weather can be unpredictable. Fast moving storms can happen in the middle of your event without any notice at all. Our recommendation is to Hope for the Best -but- Plan for the Worst. When considering tent rentals in New York and New Jersey, having a plan for inclement weather is the wisest thing to do. There are many options for keeping your guests comfortable.

Adding tent sidewalls and even walkways to get guests from one point on the property to the next can assist in keeping guests dry. Consider whether you are looking for solid white walls or clear walls for your tent.


Tent rentals with heaters are available for when the temperature dips. We offer several types of heaters depending on your needs.

  • Electric Radiant Heaters are good for 10x10 areas. They are quiet and don’t take a lot of space. However electric radiant heaters are not waterproof and should be kept out of the rain and snow. They require a fully dedicated electric outlet (120 Volt / 20 Amp) per each heater.
  • Forced Air Heaters are great for sealed tents, and come in fuel fired (requiring propane) or electric options. Propane heaters are set up outside of the tent and then the hot air is ducted into the tent space. Electric heaters, although they require a lot of electricity, they are placed inside the tent and recycle the air that is already warmed, making them a very efficient option. Forced air heaters come with a thermostat to help maintain a set temperature.
  • For the electric options, the 5,100 BTU heater requires a 120 volt / 20 amp line per each heater. Our 30,700 BTU heater takes 240 volts / 38 amps, but is single phase. The 65,000 BTU option requires a 3-Phase 240 Volt / 47 Amp line per each heater.
  • As for fuel fired option, our 170,000 BTU Propane Tent Heater requires two (2) 100lb propane tanks per heater.
  • Patio heaters are for heating smaller areas outside of a tent and should NEVER be used inside of a tent.
  • Rain

    When considering rain, you will want to consider if the area you are placing the tent in typically has water gathering and pooling. If so you will want to add raised flooring that allows the water to run underneath and away from your guests. If you are using a raised floor, depending on the needs of your guests you may also want to add a ramp to allow for easier and wheelchair access.

    Warm Weather

    For the warmer weathered months, we can mount fans directly to the tent frame which frees up limited floorspace, plus we also rent free standing fans. Port-a coolers and actual portable air conditioning are options as well.

    Please call Everything Entertainment at 718-556-3430 to discuss your inclement weather needs.

    Call Now: 718-556-3430