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Multiple 10x10 high peak tents at sunrise

Rental Delivery and Pickup Fees

Delivery and pickup fees are charged per truck, per stop. Events typically have 2 stops (a delivery and a pickup). If more than one fee is applicable per stop, only the greatest fee will apply

Economy Delivery

The economy delivery charge applies to delivery arrival windows that are at least ten (10) hours in length.

Economy Pickup

The economy pickup charge applies to pickup arrival windows that are at least twelve (12) hours in length.


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Standard Delivery

The standard delivery charge applies to delivery arrival windows that are at least six (6) hours in length.

Standard Pickup

The standard pickup charge applies to pickup arrival windows that are at least eight (8) hours in length


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Premium Delivery

The premium delivery charge applies to delivery arrival windows that are at least three (3) hours in length.

Premium Pickup

The premium pickup charge applies to pickup arrival windows that are at least four (4) hours in length.


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Deluxe Delivery

The deluxe delivery charge applies to delivery arrival windows that are less than three (3) hours in length.

Deluxe Pickup

The deluxe pickup charge applies to pickup arrival windows that are less than four (4) hours in length


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Weekend Delivery

The Weekend delivery charge applies when a delivery is on a Saturday or Sunday. Weekend fees apply year-round.

Weekend Pickup

The Weekend pickup charge applies when a delivery is on a Saturday or Sunday. Weekend fees apply year-round.


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Special Delivery and Pickup Fees

If any of the below special delivery and pickup fees apply, they are added to the charges listed in the section above.

Distance Delivery or Pickup

These fees apply per truck to a delivery or a pickup located more than 75 miles from a Everything Entertainment warehouse.

Tolls are not included in the prices below. Prices may vary depending upon the date of your event. Please call to verify.

76 to 150
$5 per mile
151 to 250
$6 per mile
251 to 800
$7 per mile
$8 per mile

Late Night Delivery or Pickup

These fees apply when a delivery or pickup is set between 6pm to 4am. These fees will be waived if any part of the delivery or pickup time frame is outside the late night window of 6pm to 4am.


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Morning Pickup

This fee applies when a pickup is set between 4am to 12pm. This fee will be waived if any part of the pickup time frame is outside the early morning window of 4am to 12pm.


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Holiday Delivery or Pickup

These fees apply on the holidays listed. If one of the holidays listed falls on a weekend and is observed on either a Monday or Friday, these fees will also apply on the observed day.

New Year's Eve/Day

Memorial Day

Labor Day

Christmas Eve/Day

Easter Sunday

4th of July



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All delivery and pickup services are subject to availability

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